Teaching About the Constitution

Members of the Four Flags Chapter, NSDAR, believe teaching about the constitution is very important. In 2019, members discussed the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution with several classes of interested third graders in our local public schools. In 2021, members provided displays for Southeastern Elementary School and Great Bridge Intermediate School in Chesapeake and donated books about the Constitution to the library in each school.

Donating to Our Local Museum

Members of the Four Flags Chapter, NSDAR, have provided support for the Great Bridge Battlefield & Waterways Historic Park and Museum through their donations. In addition to providing authentic 18th-century cobblestones from Norfolk city streets for the Historic Park, Four Flags Chapter, NSDAR, donated an 18th-century pewter tankard and American Revolutionary War era powder horn to the museum. The museum is housed in a Georgian-style building which is located on the Intercoastal Waterway in the Great Bridge section of Chesapeake, Virginia, and has a gallery of changing exhibits that showcase the Battle of Great Bridge and depict the surrounding area including the tavern which existed near the bridge.

Transcribing Original Documents

Unpublished family records and Bible registers hold a wealth of genealogy information and are important for tracing a lineage back to an American Revolutionary War Patriot. They often date to times before official government records were kept. Four Flags Chapter, NSDAR, has participated in the program of the NSDAR, to index these valuable documents.

Supporting Vetshouse

Service to our community is a major focus for Four Flags Chapter, NSDAR. Joining with the Francis Land Chapter, NSDAR, we decorated the dining room at Vetshouse, a duplex in Virginia Beach that will house four women veterans. Vetshouse is not a shelter but is designed to provide transitional housing while assisting with job hunting the development of personal life skills.

Supporting the Projects of Virginia and the National DAR

Four Flags Chapter, NSDAR, supports the Virginia DAR and the National DAR projects. In 2023, in addition to donating flower and vegetable seed packets to the Hindman School, the Chapter made a quilt that will be given to a student at the Chemawa Indian School in Oregon. This Native American boarding school is the oldest continuously operating Native American boarding school in the US and serves primarily students from the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.